negatives reports
Ancient city of Chersonesos
 - North area
 - South area
 - West area
 - North-East area
 - South-East area
 - Central area
 - Citadel
 - Harbour area
 - Undetermined area
 - Northern
 - Western
 - Near Karantinnaya bay
 - Undetermined necropolis
 - Heraclean peninsula
 - City Environs
 - Remote Environs
 - Exhibitions
 - Staff
 - Everyday life
Ancient city of Chersonesos
 - North area
 - South area
 - West area
 - North-East area
 - South-East area
 - Central area
 - Citadel
 - Harbour area
 - Undetermined area
 - Northern
 - Western
 - Near Karantinnaya bay
 - Undetermined necropolis
 - Heraclean peninsula
 - City Environs
 - Remote Environs
 - Exhibitions
 - Staff
 - Everyday life

Report of the excavations of 1889 Basilica. Basilica within a Basilica
Year: 1972
S. G. Ryzhov

Supplementary investigation of 1889 Basilica (its other name is Basilica within a Basilica) and restoration of its mosaic floors has clarified the chronology of the mosaics and of the church building. Original basilica was built in the late fifth and early sixth century, its mosaic floors were constructed in the same period; in spite of some differences in technology, the floors have common artistic composition, typical to the Early Middle Ages. The mosaic floor declined with the basilica itself in the sixth century, and if they were used in te tenth century basilica, that were built in this area, not all the mosaics were used, but only a part of them, which was located in the north-east area of the south and north aisles. Excavations to the north of 1889 Basilica have uncovered architectural compltion of the church in this corner, have discovered the date when the whole complex perished int he thirteenth century, and allow the one to reconstruct architectural planning of this quarter. 

NPTC archive. File 1640_1





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